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MuleSoft Accelerator for Healthcare

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Use case 7 - Population health management

Gain full visibility into your population’s health data to improve clinical outcomes


Healthcare organizations are struggling to gain clear visibility across the populations they serve due to siloed, legacy systems spanning an array of standards and protocols. Without a comprehensive view of their community’s health information, these organizations encounter challenges to drive meaningful change and improve outcomes.

This use case helps enrich an organization’s clinical data repository to power population health initiatives and unlock critical data for analysis and action. It advances efforts to integrate siloed systems in a secure and scalable manner.

Use case description

The population health management use case accelerates conversion and ingestion of valuable clinical data across a variety of standards into Amazon HealthLake. Once the FHIR R4 formatted data has been stored in HealthLake, users are able to easily take advantage of other valuable industry-specific Amazon offerings including specialized machine learnings models to identify trends and make predictions.

Functional view

Population health management functional view


Amazon HealthLakeHIPAA-eligible service offering healthcare and life sciences companies a complete view of individual or patient population health data for query and analytics at scale.
FHIR R4Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources is an HL7 specification for healthcare interoperability. It is a JSON-based standard describing data formats, elements and an application programming interface for exchanging electronic health records. FHIR R4 is the first normative version of the standard.
C–CDAConsolidated Clinical Document Architecture is an HL7 specification for healthcare interoperability. It is an XML-based markup standard which provides a library of CDA formatted documents.
HL7 v2A predecessor to C-CDA and FHIR, HL7 v2 is an HL7 specification for healthcare interoperability. It remains the most widely used messaging standard in the healthcare industry, but has its limitations and often requires significant customization to function.
X12X12 is an EDI standard established to govern the use of EDI to electronically exchange information between organizations across multiple industries today.

High-level architecture

Population health management architecture


The Population Health Management Process API orchestrates the following:

  • Consume HL7 v2 events, C-CDA documents and X12 EDIs sent from various systems via Anypoint MQ
  • Transform clinical data from all sources to FHIR R4 Bundles
  • Store the FHIR R4 Bundles in Amazon HealthLake data store using the Amazon HealthLake System API

Sequence diagram

This diagram illustrates the steps in the orchestration of data via the Population Health Management Process API, FHIR converter System APIs and Amazon HealthLake System API.

Population health management sequence diagram

Assumptions and constraints

  • Leveraged existing Accelerator converter capabilities to convert C-CDA, HL7 v2 and X12 to FHIR R4 Bundles.
  • Amazon HealthLake only supports the batch FHIR BundleType.
  • Amazon HealthLake System API matches Patients using Patient MRN and Practitioners using Practitioner NPI provided by the source system to avoid generation of duplicate entries.
  • Amazon HealthLake can ingest up to 160 individual resource types in a single Bundle operation.

Before you begin

bulb.png The Accelerators set up guide provides general information on getting started with the accelerator components. This includes instructions on setting up your local workstation for configuring and deploying the applications.

Downloadable assets

Process APIs

System APIs


Here are some links to related and supporting documentation.


OrganizationMulesoft Inc.
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onMay 30, 2024
Asset overview

Asset versions for 2.23.x

Asset versions